
What's in store for visitors?

Tourists are back, and we're ready for them. My latest article in North Bay biz magazine summarizes what our local visitors' bureaus and others have planned for travelers to Wine Country. From the sunny side of the Golden Gate Bridge in Marin County, to the splashy summer fun at Francis Ford Coppola Winery in Sonoma County, to the pursuit of a Guinness World Record in Napa Valley, read what's new and in the works for visitors here: http://tinyurl.com/7ogfh69


Book signing planned for St. Helena

If you're in the vicinity of the St. Helena Farmers' Market on July 27, please stop by and say Hello. I'll be signing copies of Food Lovers' Guide to Napa Valley from approximately 9 to 11 a.m. The SHFM is a delightful destination––a fun way to spend a morning with locals and visitors, too. Check out the fresh produce and flowers, and the many locally produced food products, such as Annie the Baker's exceptionally moist cookies. See you there! Find out more about the market at this link: http://www.sthelenafarmersmkt.org/


New careers for baby boomers

A former real estate agent goes into the entertainment industry... a tech company executive starts his own business... a labor law expert runs her company from a home office with a golden retriever at her feet. Read how baby boomers can reinvent themselves in encore careers––my newest article is the cover story of the June issue of North Bay biz magazine. Follow this link, and enjoy! http://tinyurl.com/7cka82j